CentER Parcs Case Study
Center Parcs operates five family holiday resorts in beautiful woodland locations in the UK. In addition to their famous biome swimming pools, each resort offers a wide range of activities from relaxing spa facilities to thrilling rides. There is also a choice of comfortable accommodation and car free routes to explore the park.
To replace manual cash handling processes with more efficient and secure cash automation solution and process in all parks. To provide real-time visibility of cash flows and inventories to optimise the re-cycling of cash and reduce cash delivery and collection costs.
OCS worked closely with our partners at G4S UK and Center Parcs operations management team, to deploy CASH360™ hardware and software solution to support the specific needs of the 365 days-a-year Center Parcs operational environment.
Following a successful trial in one park location, OCS and G4S UK firmed up the CASH360™ solution configuration for wider deployment to the other Centrt Parcs sites, including most recently their new Woburn site.