Smart Safes

Smart Safes are well designed machines to handle cash deposits securely and efficiently.
OCS has expertise in providing a software layer connecting smart safes to a Cash Office or a POS applications.
This software layer integrates the smart safe with an API written in C++ or any other programming language.
It utilises different mechanisms to communicate with the systems depending on the Smart Safes’ technology: XML, C/C++ API and serial port.
For smart safes with embedded systems, a software reporting layer can be provided to interact with their xml schedule reports or to interact with their database view.
Use our expertise to fully control the smart safes to handle errors, to manage daily intakes, to collect cash, to view inventory, to produce web service and excel reports and many other benefits.
Please find below some of the Smart Safe types we have integrated so far:
Networked smart safes to enable secure deposit of excess and high value notes at cash intensive locations in your business operation.
Integrate your Note re-cycling devices with your POS, store operations and head-office systems to provide a complete view of your cash flows and inventory.
Integrate your Coin re-cycling devices with your POS, store operations and head-office systems to provide a complete view of your cash flows and inventory.
Provide secure access for your permanent and casual staff to your cash devices by Pin entry, key fob or access card.
Integrate Cash and Card payment solutions at your staff and customer facing kiosks to enhance customer service and reduce your cashier operated tills.